As a photographer for newborns and young families in Geelong, I’m so honoured to step into people’s homes and capture those organic, meaningful moments that make up a family love story.

Here you’ll find some snippets of my professional family photography in Geelong and beyond.

michelle mckay michelle mckay

The joy of including visiting grandparents in in-home newborn stories.

There’s very little that makes me more happy as a photographic artist who works with young families than re-visiting a family when they welcome their newest little human home. I first met this Geelong based family when they invited me to photograph their second newborn son, so it was a delight and a privilege to be asked back to meet son number three!

We know photographing families in their home is an excellent advantage when there are small-big siblings in the home, but it’s also a golden opportunity to comfortably and conveniently include grandparents in the story, who are often visiting when a new baby is welcomed home.

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michelle mckay michelle mckay

Unscripted Snapshots: The benefits of in-home newborn photography for big siblings and toddlers

Welcoming a newborn into a household already bustling with the laughter and energy of toddlers or young children is a unique joy.

Amidst this beautiful chaos, preserving these early days becomes a treasure for the whole family.

In-home newborn photography sessions offer a genuine and relaxed way to capture these precious moments, blending the new arrival seamlessly into your family story, while honouring the magnitude of the transition for your first baby or babies.

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michelle mckay michelle mckay

The Benefits of Choosing an In-home Newborn Story Session

Bringing home a newborn is a cherished milestone, filled with tender moments and overwhelming emotions. Amidst the joy and adjustments, preserving these fleeting moments becomes a top priority for sentimental families, looking to create a record of this remarkable chapter.

While traditional studio photos hold their charm, there's something magical about capturing authentic, candid moments in the comfort of your own home.

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michelle mckay michelle mckay

Preserving Story: The significance of in-home photography for legacy and your growing family

Life with a growing family is a whirlwind of beautiful chaos, filled with laughter, milestones, and cherished moments.

Amidst this ever-evolving journey, capturing the authentic essence of your family's life becomes a timeless treasure.

In-home photography sessions offer a genuine and relaxed way to freeze these fleeting moments, documenting the beauty of your family's story as it unfolds.

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Locals to Love michelle mckay Locals to Love michelle mckay

Locals to Love: Flowers, plants & homewares - As Daisy Does

This is the third instalment of my Geelong Locals to Love initiative, and I’m chatting with the ever lovely Daisy from As Daisy Does.

This absolute firecracker of a human and her gorgeous staff are some of the most down to earth providers of flowers, plants and giftwares in the Greater Geelong region. Wandering through Daisy’s colourful, eclectic store is a delight - there’s always music, laughter and a friendly face to help you out - which is no doubt why it’s my fella’s favourite places to go when he wants to gift me something a bit special!

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michelle mckay michelle mckay

Little bits of *reel* to help bring that new love of yours to life.

I’ve recently begun experimenting with reels on Insta, and I’m discovering they’re a great way to gift a feel for what an in-home newborn photography session really feels like.

I’ll be honest, it took me a second to accept the challenge of this new medium, but if they help catch even a little of the spirit of having me come visit you at home, I’m all for it - I mean, who isn’t broken open by sweet new baby goodness, set to sentimental tunes..?

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Locals to Love michelle mckay Locals to Love michelle mckay

Locals to Love: Geelong's Best Toy Store - Timeless Wooden Toys

This is the second instalment of my Locals to Love initiative - Great Western Wooden Toys.

Great Western has got to be one of our local treasures - a little known family owned and run natural wooden toy store with next to zero online presence, where the toys are made carefully in a workshop on site, the toys are timeless, and the quality is beyond compare.

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Alex Collins Alex Collins

What will it be like? Geelong and Torquay family photographer shares insight into in-home sessions.

‘What’s in-home photography like?’

People ask me this all the time, and for the sake of an elevator pitch (a description of a thing that’s concise and to the point) I used to try to sum it up quickly.

At some point in my old age though (ha!), Ive let go of the temptation to speed everything up.

Now when people ask me what to expect from their in-home family session, I tell let myself answer honestly, from the depths of my romantic heart.

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Alex Collins Alex Collins

This is going to be fun! Geelong newborn photographer on how in-home sessions take the hassle out of memory making.

The first few days as a new parent are a crazy learning curve. You’re recovering from bub’s epic arrival, and discovering that swaddling was so much easier on the doll than on a moving baby! Plus, there’s all your well-meaning in-laws and extended family to juggle.

It’s easy to see how finding a newborn photographer can slip between the cracks.

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Alex Collins Alex Collins

The bump that was baby - maternity photography as a treasured milestone on the path to motherhood.

From that first moment in the doctor’s office, the wait to hold your beautiful new baby felt like eternity. But now her arrival’s just around the corner, and already the warm and knowing nurturing bliss of pregnancy is preparing to fade. That oh so treasured glow wont be here much longer.

Michelle McKay, Geelong maternity and newborn photographer talks about how in-home photography can work some memory magic and save these moments to share with your tiny ones, now and forever.

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